
Supervision and didactic psychotherapy

In Switzerland, supervision and didactic psychotherapy are an integral part of any psychotherapy training (regardless of the approach); supervision is also part of the ethical recommendations of the profession once the title of psychotherapist has been obtained.



As a supervisor recognised by pcaSuisse my aim is to support you and help you to develop your skills (theoretical knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills), to assimilate and put into practice the attitudes specific to the person-centred approach, and in general I hope to inspire and support you in your personal and professional development.

I can accompany you in individual and group supervision. Group supervision involves setting up a group (either by a member of the group or by myself if there is enough demand), with the advantage of sharing the costs and benefiting from the experience of other group members.

In the case of a group supervision (5 participants), I share the time equally between all members (around 55′ per person for a total of 4,5h, from 1:30 to 6pm. 180.- / person).

Please note that I offer free monthly sessions by Zoom to experience a person-centred psychotherapy session and ask questions about my practice. These sessions cannot count for continuing education credits.

Finally, I have written a book that seems to be of particular interest to people in psychotherapy training: « Dans la peau du psy ».

Didactic psychotherapy

Since July 2022 I have had the title of psychotherapist for 5 years, which allows me to follow you for a validated didactic psychotherapy within the framework of your training in psychotherapy.


Some words about me

I myself have been lucky enough to be supervised in my practice as a psychotherapist by many people since 2011. The ones who have followed me the longest are Philippe Wandeler (from 2011 to 2013), Dinah Favarger (from 2014 to 2017), Ani Gürün (from 2021 to today), and Olivier Siegenthaler who trained me as a supervisor from September 2021 to June 2022.

I obtained the pcaSuisse title of supervisor in July 2022.

I also have the privilege of being a supervisor for the group of psychotherapists of Lavicennes in Bulle since March 2023, as well as a couple of other mandates.